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Group Structure

Our Group structure and effective ownership interest in each of our subsidiaries is as follows:


Details of the Subsidiaries
Name of Company Abbreviation Date of Incorporation,
Place of Incorporation and
Principal Place of Business
Principal Business Issued and
Paid-up Capital / Paid-in Registered Capital
Effective Interest Held by our Group
Tomoike Industrial (Hong Kong) Holding Limited TM Hong Kong BVI 16 April 2004,
Investment holding
Crystal Display (Shanghai) Holding Limited CD Shanghai BVI 16 April 2004,
Investment holding
Tomoike Industrial (H.K.) Limited TM Hong Kong 23 April 1991,
Trading of precision accessories for office equipment and electrical appliances
Tomoike Industrial Co., Ltd. ( Note 1 ) TM Japan 26 October 1959, JPN Supply of precision components for LCD products and manufacture of precision accessories for office equipment
Crystal Display Components (Shanghai) Co., Limited CD Shanghai 21 July 2000,
Manufacture of LCD backlight units and its related components
Tomoike Precision Machinery (Shanghai) Co., Limited TM Shanghai 23 April 1996,
Manufacture of precision accessories for office equipment and electrical appliance
Tomoike Precision Machinery (Dongguan) Co., Limited TM Dongguan 5 August 2005, PRC Manufacture of LCD backlight units and its related components US$3,000,000 100%
Tomoike Bio Limited TBI 26 September 2014, HK General Trading
Menkobo Muguruma Co., Limited Muguruma 9 January 2015, JPN Food and beverage
Suzhou Pengfu Photoelectric Technology Company Limited ( Note 2 ) Suzhou Pengfu 9 July 2014, PRC Design, development, manufacture and sale of light guide panels
Bangladesh Japan Cooperation Company Limited BJ Cooperation 16 March 2016, Bangladesh Liaise office, general trading and other business 800,000 Bangladesh Taka 100%
Tuo Mao Enterprise Management Advisory (Shanghai) Co., Limited Tuo Mao Shanghai 7 April 2016, PRC Provision of food and beverage management and advisory service RMB1,000,000 100%
TWB Co., Limited TWB 12 April 2016, JPN Food and beverage JPY50,000,000 99.9%
CDW Life Science Co., Limited CLS Japan 23 January, 2017, JPN Provision of Bio-Tech related research and development; manufacture, sales and marketing of health care and beauty products; and acquisition and holding of intellectual property JPY30,000,000 99.9%
GSP Enterprise Inc. GSP 31 December, 2017, JPN Research and development of an antibodies library JPY 14,250,000 95%
A Biotech Co., Limited ABio 29 January 2018, KOR Application of biotechnology to research and develop antibodies-related products, and their manufacture, sales and provision of service KRW 4,333,325,000 71.54%
Tomoike Industrial (Philippines) Incorporated TM Philippines 3 June 2019, PHIL Manufacture and assembly of printed circuit board, mobile payment device, niche precision components and insulating materials PHP 11,000,000 100%

Note 1:
a) 51.37% equity interest was acquired on 7 July 2006
b) The remaining 48.63% equity interest was acquired on 29 September 2007
c) 0.1% equity interest was disposed on 26 December 2013

Note 2:
25% equity interest was acquired on 27 January 2015