General Announcement
16 May 2017
Issuer & Securities
Issuer / Manager CDW Holding Limited
Securities CDW Holding Limited - BMG2022E1104 - BXE
Stapled Security No
Announcement Details
Announcement Title General Announcement
Date & Time of Broadcast 16-May-2017 18:50:48
Status New
Announcement Sub Title Change of Company Secretary
Announcement Reference SG170516OTHRHQIM
Submitted By (Co./ Ind. Name) DY MO Hua Cheung, Philip
Designation Executive Director

The Board of Directors (the "Board") of CDW Holding Limited (the "Company") wishes to announce the appointment of Mr. Leong Chee Meng, Kenneth as Company Secretary in place of Ms. Lynn Wan Tiew Leng, who has resigned as Company Secretary with effect from 16 May 2017.

The Board wishes to take this opportunity to thank Ms. Lynn Wan Tiew Leng for her services and contributions to the Company during her term of office and the Board extends its best wishes to Ms. Lynn Wan Tiew Leng in her future endeavours.

By Order of the Board

DY MO Hua Cheung, Philip
Executive Director

16 May 2017