26 December 2013 |
is submitted by |
DY MO Hua Cheung, Philip |
Designation |
Executive Director |
Date & Time of
Broadcast |
26-Dec-2013 18:48:08 |
Announcement No. |
00085 |
Attachment |
Pursuant to Rule 704(18)(d) of the Listing Manual of the Singapore Exchange Securities
Trading Limited ("Listing Manual"), the Board of Directors of CDW Holding Limited (the
"Company", and together with its subsidiaries, the "Group") wishes to announce that the
Group's wholly-owned subsidiary, Tomoike Industrial (H.K.) Limited has sold 120 shares
to an unrelated third party for a cash consideration of approximately Japanese yen
1,060,000 (approximately equivalent to S$13,400) in the share capital of the Group's
subsidiary, Tomoike Industrial Co., Limited ("TM Japan").
Accordingly, the Group's interest in TM Japan has reduced from 100% to 99.9%.
The above transaction constitutes a non-discloseable transaction within the meaning of
Rule 1008 of the Listing Manual, and is not expected to have any material impact on the
consolidated net tangible assets and earnings per share of the Group for the current
financial year.
None of the Directors or controlling shareholders of the Company has any interest, direct
or indirect, in the above transaction.
By Order of the Board
DY MO Hua Cheung, Philip
Executive Director
26 December 2013 |