General Announcement
Notice of a Change in the Percentage Level of a Substantial Shareholder's Interest
29 September 2007
Name of Announcer CDW Holding Limited
Announcement is submitted on behalf of CDW Holding Limited
Announcement is submitted with respect to CDW Holding Limited
Announcement is submitted by Tan San-Ju
Designation Company Secretary
Date & Time of Broadcast 29-Sep-2007 19:10:03
Announcement No. 00012
Announcement Details
Part I
Date of notice to issuer 29 September 2007
Name of Substantial Shareholder Mikuni Co., Limited
Part II
Date of Change of [Select Option]  
Name of Registered Holder  
Circumstance(s) giving rise to the interest or change in interest [Select Option]
# Please specify details  
Information relating to shares held in the name of Registered Holder
No. of [Select Options] held before the change  
As a percentage of issued share capital  
No. of Options which are subject to this notice  
As a percentage of issued share capital  
Amount of consideration (excluding
brokerage and stamp duties) per share paid or received
No. of Options held after the change  
As a percentage of issued share capital  
Part III
Date of Change of Shareholding 29 September 2007
The change in the percentage level From 49.11% to 47.33%
Circumstance(s) giving rise to the interest or change in interest #Others
# Please specify details

On 12 April 2006, Tomoike Industrial (H.K.) Limited ("Hong Kong Tomoike") entered into a Sale and Purchase Agreement with Mr. Kunikazu Yoshimi, Mr. Koichi Urano, Mr. Hiroshi Sayama, Mr. Masaaki Suga, Mrs Toyoko Yoshimi and Mrs Aiko Yoshimi to acquire the entire issued and paid-up share capital in Tomoike Industrial Co., Ltd ("Japan Tomoike"), comprising of an aggregate of 116,800 shares, in two tranches.

On 1 July 2006, the transfer of 60,000 shares in Japan Tomoike, being the First Tranche Sale Shares, to Hong Kong was completed and fully settled in cash.

On 29 September 2007, the Company allotted 18,405,221 Consideration Shares at the pre-determined issue price of S$0.26 each to Mr. Kunikazu Yoshimi in satisfaction of the Second Tranche Consideration Amount for the remaining 56,800 shares in Japan Tomoike. As a result, there is a change in the percentage level in Mikuni Co., Limited's interest.

A statement of whether the change in the percentage level is the result of a transaction or a series of transactions: The change in the percentage level is the result of a transaction.
Part IV
Holdings of Substantial Shareholder, including direct and deemed interest :
  Direct Deemed
No. of shares held before the change 239,680,000 0
As a percentage of issued share capital 49.11% 0%
No. of shares held after the change 239,680,000 0
As a percentage of issued share capital 47.33% 0%