In reply to the query from Singapore Exchange
Securities Trading Limited, the Board of Directors of
CDW Holding Limited ("the Company") wishes to
announce the following:
Are you aware of any information not previously announced
concerning you (the issuer), your subsidiaries or associated
companies which, if known, might explain the trading?
If yes, the information must be announced immediately.
The Company is presently in discussions with regards
to a proposed corporate acquisition. The terms of the
proposed acquisition are at this juncture still at negotiations
stage and incomplete. The Company will forthwith make
a detailed announcement on the proposed acquisition
as soon as the parties in question have agreed on the
terms, or when the terms are sufficiently definite to
warrant disclosure.
Are you aware of any possible explanation for the trading?
Save as disclosed above, the Company is not aware of
any other reason for the trading.
Can you confirm your compliance with the listing rules,
in particular, listing rule 703?
The Company hereby confirms that the Company is in compliance
with the listing rules, in particular, listing rule
By Order of the Board
Lai Shi Hong Edward
Executive Director
30 March 2006 |